
2014; Founding journal Elemen : mechanical engineering journal. Publish with one volume in December;

2015; Publish with one volume in December. Make ISSN printed;

2016; Publish with one volume in December. Change editorial teams; Make GS profil.

2017; Publish with two volumes in June and December. Make ISSN online or electronic;

2018; Publish with two volumes in June and December. Indexing to Garuda with accepted. Repairing website - guideline author, etc.

2019; Addition of reviewers and submit (progress) accreditation into Arjuna with Sinta index 4. Progress harvesting data repository in Onesearch.id. Management institution migration to Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut. New template for article submit vol 6 no 2 and fee author for publish of IDR 125K.

2020; Already indexed on citefactor.com. Progress DOAJ indexed. New templates for submitting article 7.2 December with IEEE style reference and pages between 4-10 pages. Checked similarity max 25% by author or editorial JE.

2021 ; Reaccreditation journal indexed SINTA 5. Addition of reviewers.

2022 ; similarity checked max 20%. APC IDR.125K.

2023 ; Add of reviewers and tim editors.